
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Two months old

Will turned two months old last Sunday, and on Tuesday he had his two-month appointment at the pediatrician. It went well, despite the four shots he got! Of course he cried during the shots, but he recovered much more quickly than I expected, which was great. I think he was pretty sore later on in the day, though, because after we'd been home for about an hour he started to cry truly inconsolably, which is to say that not even nursing him calmed him down. I felt horribly sad for him because I knew that he must be really hurting. I gave him some baby Tylenol and after a little while he cried himself to sleep. The day turned out all right because he slept a lot and when he woke up he seemed to feel better. He was more sensitive than usual for the rest of the day, but who could blame him?

I was guessing that he might weigh as much as 11.5 lbs, but he weighed in at 10 lbs, 15 oz., so just about 11 lbs. They told us this is around the 30th percentile for two-month-old boys, but that's fine because he was in the 25th percentile at 2 weeks. So he's gaining just fine. He is 23.5 inches long, so he's grown about three inches since birth. It seems to me like he's grown more than that, but three inches in two months is a lot of growing! Being a baby is hard work. I should make fun of him less for making his sad face. I don't think I have any pictures of sad face to show you, but it is really, really cute. It is different from crying or angry face. Sad face involves scrunching up the top half of his face and shoving his lower lip out as far as he can push it. It's not at all an effective means of getting what he wants because it's just so cute that I always want to see more of it.


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