Will drinks from a sippy cup and looks cute
Will knows how to drink out of a regular cup, but he gets so excited doing it that he tosses the cup and smacks it against things, which makes quite a mess. So we've decided that the sippy cup is the way to go. I suspect we're not the first parents to arrive at that decision for the same reason.
Will had another ear infection this week, but after a couple of days on antibiotics I think he's feeling a lot better. Well, he looks a lot better. You'd never, ever know from his behavior that he ever had an ear infection, so that's not an accurate gauge, but he no longer has mucus seeping forth from his eyeballs. A good sign.
Will only has six days left at daycare, which makes me sad. I know some people think daycare is not good and no mother should leave her child for any period of time, but the people at Will's daycare love him and he loves them. It's so obvious. And he has a great time there. He plays with toys and other kids and the women there take them for walks and read to them and feed them and rub their heads to get them to take naps. And they carry them around and hug them and kiss them. It's really a very nice place, and I think Will will miss it. I still don't have a job lined up in Delaware so he won't go to daycare again until I do. In the meantime, I'm going to try to join some playgroups to keep both of us sane. I'm sure Will will find a whole new assortment of things to get into in the new house, but for now his favorite is picking at the carpet fuzz at the frayed end of the carpet by the sliding door. He's getting very crafty and now makes sure he turns away from me before quickly and sneakily putting the carpet fuzz in his mouth. He does not like to have carpet fuzz in his mouth and he knows that I don't want him to have carpet fuzz in his mouth, but apparently he loves the act of putting it there so much that he's willing to sacrifice his own discomfort for the experience. And then he laughs maniacally and crawls away from me as fast as he can so that I can't pull it out. I'm pretty much ready to just start letting him eat the stuff.
Dude, we have to work on the sippy cup. Rorie won't drink from a regular cup. She will take it, and you can tip it up, but she tries to bite the cup, and she allows it to spill all over herself. I have tried the sippy cup, but she isn't so into it. She loves teh bottle, though. Oh well. PS> we are having a crisis on our blog. Please read and help, if you can!
Anonymous, at 9:16 PM, July 19, 2007
Dear Rorie's mom,
My clients find that when their babies won't take sippy cups they try the Nuby brand sippy cups which have a rubbery top and they seem to take to those more easily.
Will's Aunt
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM, July 20, 2007
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