Happy late Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a good holiday. We did. We had 1,437 dinner guests (actually, it was fourteen including the three of us, with six overnight guests Thursday night). So it was a big party, and Will got lots of attention. And presents. He received no fewer than six Christmas-themed penguins from various friends and relatives.
We figure every celebration of this magnitude needs a major mishap, and ours was clogging the kitchen sink so badly that we could use neither it nor the dishwasher to clean up after Thanksgiving dinner. Oh, and remember those six overnight guests in addition to the three of us who live and bathe here? Yeah, well, the shower was clogged too. But worry not--we had enough motivated solution seekers in the house that we were able to fix the problem in time to run the dessert dishes through the dishwasher, and the shower was fully usable by bedtime. In the meantime we washed the dinner dishes in the utility sink in the cellar, which worked out really nicely.
And now on to the topic of the laborious nature of homeownership. Last Saturday we raked about three inches of leaves off of our entire backyard in preparation for the Thanksgiving festivities. The ground was pretty much completely covered again by Monday. But today I noticed that the tree is now almost entirely free of leaves, so I think that if we rake again this weekend we should be good for the rest of the year. That will probably be a project for tomorrow, since we have designated today insulation day. My dad noticed this summer that there is no insulation on the interior surface of the sloped roof above Will's room, which we have access to through a storage space adjacent his room. Since it's getting pretty cold at night we figure we should take care of that, and since we have a full weekend ahead of us this seems like a pretty good time.
Also, happy birthday to Will's Aunt Kate!
6 penguins! Wow!
He has at least one more coming his way . . . not Christmas themed though, so this might be a good "year round" penguin.
I knitted it myself . . . =-)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Turtlewoman, at 4:21 PM, November 24, 2007
That sounds great, Lizzie! Not one of his other penguins is handmade. I'm sure he'll love it.
Heather, at 12:24 PM, November 25, 2007
OMG! That little boy has no hands.
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM, November 25, 2007
The "kids" table looks like fun! Well, I am guessing that the table in the foreground with the Walling sisters, Megan, and Paul is the "kids" table . . . especially since I think I spotted somebody's grandma at that back table . . .
Back to work tomorrow . . .UGGGhhhh. I was just getting into the swing of that not working stuff.
Turtlewoman, at 10:41 PM, November 25, 2007
This is your Aunt Wendy the "Turkey Diva" with a question: did you put raw potato skins down your disposall? If so, never do that again. It always clogs up the kitchen drain, especially on Thanksgiving.
Your boy is cute as a button out there in the yard but we Arizona types have another question: what are leaves?
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM, November 28, 2007
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