A Glorious Fall Weekend
Saturday morning was pleasantly slightly overcast and just on the cool side of warm--perfect fall weather for apple picking! So we headed off to a nearby orchard and arrived just after they opened. After we parked the car we got in line to board the official apple-picking wagon, and guess who got to drive the tractor. Yep, this guy!
We picked red and golden delicious (my least favorite apples around, actually, but it was what they had this weekend) and had a great time. The trees were tiny, so the boys could easily pick on their own. Will was a fantastic helper and carried one of the bags, at least for a while. And Ryan got a real kick out of the experience, although he preferred pursuing the rotting-and-covered-with-bees apples on the ground to the healthy fruit on the trees. Still, he caught on after a while.
After we finished picking we stopped for some apple-cider donuts, and Ryan and I posed with our best camera smiles.
Later Saturday evening Will helped me make applesauce. It turned out all right. Not as good as my mom's, but I guess that takes practice. And crisper, tarter apples. But still, it's pretty good.
Oh, wow! Will's Ithaca is Gorges shirt finally fits him!
Unknown, at 9:53 AM, September 30, 2009
Yeah, he wore it last summer too. I'm guessing it might be too small by next summer, but you never know!
Heather, at 5:41 PM, September 30, 2009
Oh, I am JEALOUS. Especially about the apple cider donuts. Yum. Agri-tainment at its best.
Courtney, at 10:25 AM, October 01, 2009
Hee, agri-tainment. I like that. That's exactly what it was, too, considering how many pounds of red "delicious" apples we're going to end up discarding.
Heather, at 2:31 PM, October 01, 2009
Çнαяłιεβσч, at 12:04 AM, December 27, 2009
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