
Friday, April 09, 2004


I don't want to get any of you too excited or anything, but I think I might actually have found something of physical relevance in my data. Why does this always happen at 5:30 on Friday afternoons? My boss is not here, so I can't share the good news with her. And I'd like to take more data, but that could involve being here for another two hours, which doesn't appeal to me all that much. On the other hand, I've been collecting data on this sample for almost a week, I was this close (how close?) to abandoning the sample and measuring a new one and I'm kind of excited to have found something. And Matt is still working because he is also getting decent data, so maybe I will stay. But, now seriously, don't get too excited. The data probably won't amount to anything, but it is still the second-best data that I've gotten as a postdoc to date, and it is definitely the best reproducible data I've gotten. Oh, and also? Please don't comment that "data" is the plural for "datum" and I should be saying "they are the best data. . . ." It's physics-speak, people, and I know what I'm doing.

In other news, in honor of Matt's officially receiving an offer of employment next year, I'm taking him out on a date. We are going to go out for dinner and to see a movie. Yes, we're classy folk, so we're going to Chipotle and then to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. If we both stay awake, that is. It has been a long week for us in the Walling-Doty household. By the way, have I told you that I am seriously considering changing my name when we move? It seems like that's a pretty good time to do it, since I'll have to get new everythings anyway. And then we'll technically be the Doty household, but JR will always have a hyphenated name, so I hope that in the event that I do change my name, you'll all still refer to ours as the Walling-Doty household. And from what I've heard, I think you will.


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