
Saturday, April 10, 2004

Some good news, some bad news, some good news

First of all, I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. I was pretty tired, myself, because I'm in the church choir and we sang for both services, so I was at church from 8:15-11:45 yesterday morning, which was way too long. Still, the music was beautiful, and it came out really well for both services, I thought. I know what you're thinking (well, maybe)--what do Unitarian Universalists care about Easter, and why do they bother to have fancy services with lots of music for the occasion? I can't answer that question in any satisfactory way, but suffice it to say that everyone enjoys a little Alleluia every now and again. Anyway, when I got home I suffered the collapse and slept until around 12:45, when Matt got home from judo. Then we had lunch, went grocery shopping, cleaned a bit, cooked a bit, cleaned a bit, and this is the part where I get to the first good news: Megan arrived! Yep, she flew all the way from Switzerland to help me and Matt eat our free nine-pound Easter ham.

And now I get to the bad news: I found out on Saturday that I did not get the cool APS Congress job. I figured I wouldn't, so I wasn' t horribly distressed, but I was still a tad disappointed. But I'm not going to worry about it. I'm just going to wait until we move and then work something out, I think. Frankly, the idea of a month or so without a job appeals to me. A lot.

OK, and the other good news is that I think the good data that I got on Friday is real. I am having slight technical troubles with my experiment, but the results are really, really promising. I still haven't gotten to show my boss because she and I appear to be working opposite schedules, but for once I actually look forward to group meeting, which is tomorrow.

Other than that, I'll report that Matt and I did actually go out on Friday night to Chipotle and the movies, which was fun. I enjoyed the movie, but didn't feel fully awake for about two days after I saw it. It left me with a strange, dreamy feeling, like nothing that I was experiencing was real. Of course, that might just have been a reaction to going out on a Friday night. I'll be honest--it's been a long time.

And today Megan came to campus to work on some stuff, and I'm in the lab. We met for lunch and ended up eating with most of Matt's research group. That could have been horribly awkward, but one of Matt's coworkers is Swiss, so she came up with quite a few things to talk to Megan about (Megan is doing a postdoc in Switzerland and has lived there for the past year and a half, for those of you who might have found that last sentence on the odd side.)


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