
Friday, July 09, 2004

It's Friday. Why go to work?

I am working from home. And guess what. I am getting work done. I haven't turned on the TV all day. I haven't read at all. OK, I haven't read a book at all. I have read some CNN, Salon and a few blogs. But that's part of my regular workday routine. I also spent some time on the phone with Megan, which was very nice. But the point is, I'm working. I'm working on papers. These are papers left over from graduate school. These are papers that we submitted a really long time ago to Physical Review B and were slammed by the referees. No, that's not right. One was almost fine, but with one huge conceptual error, and the other was slammed. People in the physics community have tremendously little respect for the quantum Hall effect in three dimensions, I'll tell you that. But I'm almost ready to resubmit both of these papers, and that will be that, and thank GOD. I cannot work on this project anymore. I absolutely cannot.

In other work-related news, I think I have made myself obsolete. This past week, I inadvertently passed all of my projects onto the grad student in our lab. Yes, there is some genius behind that strategy, but I also wonder what I'm going to be doing for the month of August. Whatever it is, I bet it won't work! It's interesting that all of my grad-school friends who are now postdocs are unhappy with their jobs. We all seem to be having similar experiences with low morale. Is that the nature of the postdoc position? I dunno. It probably works for some people. I think I'll go take a nap.


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