An Outstanding Weekend
This past weekend Julie, Tobias, Oliver, Jess, Robbie, and Henry visited. We stayed up way too late every night and had a great time. I don't even know what we did, but it was fun. I guess we mostly hung out and ate cookies. Not bad. And on Saturday my sister Meagan hosted a baby non-shower barbecue, which turned out really nicely despite the morning's gloomy weather. By mid-afternoon it was sunny and beautiful outside and people mingled and ate lunch and a ton of babies (Will, Oliver, Henry, Dylan, Avery, Xander, Layla, I missing anyone?) played outside and we opened presents even though it was a non-shower. Will got an extremely awesome water table from Megan's mom and a little basketball hoop from my sister Emily. These are wonderful presents for him, but also for me because he plays with them happily while I sit nearby resting my disgusting swollen feet. I hope his interest in them doesn't fade as summer nears, because I have big plans to sit under an umbrella holding his little brother, who will be too young to wear sunscreen, while Will plays and plays. We'll see about that.
In other news, I am getting kicked out of physical therapy. I am glad to have improved as much as I have over the last couple of weeks, but it frankly still hurts a lot of the time and I wish it would go away completely. But the therapist is terrified that my water is going to break while she's massaging my butt, and she's pretty sure that we've done as much good as we can before the little guy is born. It's disappointing because I still have a few weeks to go and I feel incapable of doing much of anything more ambitious than watching Elmo on TV with Will. So we watch the same episode of Sesame Street (On Demand) every day. And on sunny days we go outside and he plays with the water table until he decides to break out of the backyard and explore the neighborhood, at which point we go inside and watch more Sesame Street.
So is Will really into Elmo? For some reason Elmo seems to be particularly fascinating to babies and we don't know why.
Rorie makes us fast foward through the rest of sesame street to watch Elmo - then she yells "No no no no no" to the TV whenever Elmo watches his TV.
Anonymous, at 9:00 PM, May 09, 2008
Yes, he is way too into Elmo and also makes us fast forward through all the boring stuff that doesn't include Elmo. And I also don't understand the appeal. Elmo has the most annoying voice in the history of the world. Will has a silent Elmo doll, which I like very much.
Heather, at 2:09 PM, May 10, 2008
Huh...two kids with nearly identical reactions. Elmo must be some kind of nefarious mind control plot.
We also have a silent Elmo doll (which I just bought her this weekend), but we also have to listen to a 30 minute Elmo CD in the car now, and believe me we've spent more than 30 minutes in the car since we bought it.
--Chris S
Anonymous, at 9:00 PM, May 11, 2008
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