One month plus
After my long-ago last post, Anonymous asked if I am busy. Well, Anonymous, indeed I am. Computer time is hard to come by these days, since both boys have to be sleeping and I have to be awake in order for me to check my email, upload photos, or update my blog. That time used to be more plentiful when Ryan was a brand-new baby and sleeping all the time, but now his naps are shorter and less frequent and thus overlap less and less with Will's. On the plus side, he is obviously much more interactive than he used to be and really seems to enjoy checking out the world around him. Oh, also, he is huge. At his one-month appointment last week he weighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces. He left the hospital a month earlier three pounds lighter. I knew he had gained a lot, but I was pretty surprised when the nurse weighed him. Actually, now that I think about it that was largely because at first I thought she said he was 12 pounds, 10 ounces, which rather alarmed me. But he is in the 85th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight, so although he certainly has his fair share of fat rolls, apparently he's pretty averagely proportioned, though on the large side. This is in contrast to his older brother, who spent most of his first year in the 25th weight percentile (until age nine months when he dropped to the 10th and the doctor asked if we were feeding him when he was hungry).
We have spent the last three weekends with company, which has been a lot of fun. Three weekends ago Matt's brother and his girlfriend visited from Maine. They were here for a long weekend and Matt's parents joined us for Saturday and Sunday. The following weekend Megan, Paul, and the wee Colonel came and we had a great time. They brought mint Milanos and we watched Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. I think that says enough about that weekend. And then this past weekend my sister Emily was here from Thursday until Sunday and my sister Meagan and her boyfriend Chris came on Saturday and returned home on Sunday, dropping Emily off at the airport on their way. Although it really has been great seeing everyone, and we've appreciated all the extra sets of hands around the house, it is also sort of a relief to have the futon folded up again in anticipation of a weekend to ourselves.
Oh, and we got a Wii. Will is a huge pain in the butt about it, but he's also really, really cute when he plays. He's also freakishly skillful at it, considering that he's two month shy of age two. We play a lot, since it's the ultimate bribe when he's lying on the floor of his room throwing a tantrum because I can't carry him and his brother at the same time, and the one who can't walk gets dibs on being carried. How parents of twins operate, I can't imagine.
And finally, not that we were planning to anyway, but we will not be paying Olan Mills a visit anytime all that soon. Ryan has the baby acne thing going on (though I think it's getting better), and I gave Will a somewhat less than professional-grade baby's first haircut over the weekend.
Congrats on posting!! It sounds like things are going well. We will be around in August, and might pay you a visit, but we won't sleep on the futon.
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM, July 09, 2008
Wow! You guys have been busy! =-) But I am not really surprised! How you cope with all of that running around every day I'm not sure. I'm still at the point where Waffles and the goats tire me out . . . and they don't require 24/7 supervision and support. Just daily food and water and occasional snuggles. =-)
Hope I get to catch up with you sometime soon when you have recovered from all of your other guests. Or that you will get to haul the tribe up here! There is plenty of space if you want to come visit . . .
Turtlewoman, at 10:30 AM, July 10, 2008
Hey, we welcome more guests in the coming weeks, for sure. We're just glad to have this weekend free!
Heather, at 1:12 PM, July 10, 2008
Was that picture of the three guys taken before or after Will's haircut? Cause his hair looks perfectly fine to me in that shot. Ryan in the baby bjorn is super cute. Although the hat might be a tad too big.
- Debbie
Anonymous, at 8:25 PM, July 10, 2008
Oooh, pictures! I caught the post pre-pictures last time. Everyone looks so good!
I am thinking about maybe an August or September visit down . . . I have several three day weekends that I could use . . .
Turtlewoman, at 9:22 AM, July 11, 2008
Maybe it's just because I thought this from the ultrasound photos and I want to be right, but I think in that photo where you can really see Ryan's face, he looks a lot like Matt. Which is only fair considering how much Will looks like you.
We are really looking forward to our visit in August and can't wait to meet the new little guy and get trounced by Will at Wii. Is he good at bowling? Because that's where I really shine.
JS, at 10:41 AM, July 14, 2008
Will is pretty good at bowling. For a toddler, that is. I think he'll at least make the game fun for you. He's really into golf these days, but frankly, he's not that good at it.
Heather, at 3:09 PM, July 19, 2008
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