Vacation and a gorgeous summer day
Last week we went for a short (one night) vacation in Ocean City, MD. My parents got a last-minute condo rental for the week and we joined them on Thursday and Friday, along with my sister Meagan. The weather was very nice, especially Friday, and we all had a lot of fun at the beach. We used to go for family vacations in Ocean City when I was a kid, so it was neat seeing the place again. And now we live about two hours away instead of eight, so it will be easy for us to go there pretty much whenever we want.
And today Will, Ryan, and I met Matt at work for a picnic lunch. It was warm but beautiful out, and Matt found us a nice shady spot under a tree. The University of Delaware has a beautiful campus and Will wanted to take a walk, so we spent some time after lunch exploring a fountain.
Am I about to breastfeed Ryan in that picture? Huh...I didn't even know I could do that.
-Aunt Meggie
Anonymous, at 2:02 PM, July 29, 2008
It's the ocean air--it does wondrous things.
Heather, at 2:03 PM, July 29, 2008
Will is getting so TALL. You can really see it in these pictures - he must have had a growth spurt. He is really turning into a boy and not a baby. And baby Ryan is fleshing out a bit and looking pink and healthy! Sounds like a good time was had by all. Hope all is going well!
Turtlewoman, at 9:06 AM, July 31, 2008
Yes, Will is getting so big! I think he did recently have a growth spurt because he's also skinnier now. Outfits that didn't fit him a month ago now fit him again, which really surprised me. And yep, Ryan is a real baby now and no longer a newborn. And "fleshed out" is putting it mildly--to me he feels huge! At two months he's outgrown clothes that Will wore at four months. He has fat rolls aplenty. They are very nice.
Heather, at 3:01 PM, August 01, 2008
Rorie recently had a growth spurt, too. She gained a pound! And she grew at least an inch.
Anonymous, at 7:11 PM, August 10, 2008
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