Two years old!
This is the best birthday picture of Will that I have, so I'm counting on Meagan to have some better ones. I'm sure she does. But I took so few pictures because we were so busy having fun at his party! We invited Will's friends Layla, Samantha, and Landon over for some baby-toddler fun, and I feel comfortable asserting that a good time was had by all. The kids played like crazy even though it was raining and we had to stay inside. Then they ate chicken nuggets, potato smilies, and peas, though based upon the condition of the floor after dinner I think they mostly dropped and then stepped on peas. And then we sang to Will and he got to blow out his two candles and we ate cake and ice cream and Will opened some presents. Will was incredibly hyper for the whole party, which was pretty amusing. And I must say, he got some awesome presents this year, one of which will be a subject of its own blog entry in the coming days, I'm sure.
Ooh ooh! Don't leave us in suspense about the magical present!!!
I'm glad I get to see you guys next weekeend!
Turtlewoman, at 12:41 AM, September 15, 2008
I do have more pictures. And a video. I will post them on facebook as soon as my internet is fixed at home.
Aunt Meggie
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM, September 17, 2008
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