Yesterday morning, Will turned six months old. He celebrated with five shots--not a good time, I'm afraid. He actually did quite a bit better with his four-month shots, for some reason. But the good news is that he's healthy and growing well, 15 lbs, 6 oz, still in the 25th percentile.
He's been very talkative the past few days, exploring all of his voices, which is better than what he was doing two weeks ago when the only noises he'd make sounded like machine gun fire. And he loves to eat. I get the impression pears are not his favorite, but he loves squash, sweet potatoes, and bananas. He grunts all Monica Seles style with each spoonful that I give him. And he waves his arms in anticipation of the next bite. It's so cute how much he loves it. We got the go-ahead from the doctor to try pretty much any fruit or vegetable at this point, and continue on to meats next month.
Now that Will can sit up on his own, he's better at entertaining himself with toys. Two days in a row I've gotten phone calls in the afternoon so I sat Will on his quilt with a bunch of toys and let him do his own thing while I sat near him talking on the phone. Before he could sit on his own, this never would have worked. He has very little patience for tummy time, so he wouldn't have lasted more than five minutes or so without crying. But I think he sat and played nicely for at least half an hour, probably longer, both days. He doesn't look close to crawling yet, but I see how the urge will hit him. He was really looking around and choosing which toys looked the most interesting and going after them. For now he gives up if he can't reach them from a sitting position, but I'm sure that will change soon enough.