
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Will's park

We got a new toy this weekend! Matt set it up so that it has a "big-boy" swing on the left, a trapeze in the middle, and a baby/toddler swing on the right. Both of the boys love it, though we discovered today that the slide is quite a bit faster after a rainstorm, and I think Will was a bit scared after he tumbled pretty forcefully off the end of the slide a couple of times.

In other news, Ryan is now fully mobile. He doesn't crawl, but now gets anywhere he wants by scooting on his bottom. He seems to have just figured it out all of a sudden, even though we've known for some time that he was capable of it. I think we really do have the mythical baby that will never crawl. He's perfectly content getting around like this, and is also well on his way to walking.

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Ryan is ten months old now, and not crawling. We think at this point he just isn't going to. He has much stronger interests in sitting and standing, so I think he's probably going to skip to walking. This is kind of nice for me, because I can still put him down somewhere and know that he'll be at least in that vicinity if I run into another room for a couple of minutes. He does do some scooting around on his butt, and he has an amazingly long reach so I am very careful about what is around that he can get into, but he's not moving at lightning speed the way Will was at this age. One of Ryan's favorite things to do these days is scoot himself under chairs and stools. He spent quite some time under this chair the other night:

For my birthday last week Ryan got to experience Baby's First Taco. It was a huge hit. He kept pointing to the taco meat and doing the "more" sign. It made my day that he enjoyed the tacos so much.

Finally, in an incident of somewhat unusual brotherly love, Will decided that he wanted to eat breakfast next to Ryan the other morning. I thought it was really cute. Here are the two of them sitting at the table together: